Evolutionary Enlightenment
“Andrew Cohen maps out a path to be the change we not only should want to see in the world but that we objectively and urgently need in the world. Whether we take his path or look to another, we should read what he has to say, for it is based on deep personal experience that has proven meaningful for thousands and thousands.”
— Ervin Laszlo, author of Science and the Reenchantment of the Cosmos
“If the fourteen-billion-year cosmic experiment that resulted in our lives is not to end in the next few centuries, it will require brave and brilliant steps in our spiritual evolution. With instruction at once tough and tender, Andrew Cohen gives us the inspiration and the means to accomplish the greatest of all endeavors for the human spirit. This is a spiritual masterpiece."
— Jean Houston, PhD, author of A Mythic Life
Other books by Andrew Cohen

Living Enlightenment
“Short, crisp, clear, and free of the jargon that one often hears and reads in Self-realization circles, Living Enlightenment is the reading equivalent of jumping into icy water – a sharp, bracing jolt to the whole system. It gives new meaning to the phrase ‘wake-up call."
— Jack Crittenden PhD, author of Beyond Individualism, Dept. of Political Science, Arizona State University

Embracing Heaven & Earth
“I have always been amazed at the ability of Andrew Cohen to communicate the highest teaching, that of the ultimate truth, with the utmost simplicity. For fifty years now I have been reading books about spiritual life. Embracing Heaven and Earth is among the few that may truly help the ardent seeker to dissipate misunderstandings and follow a safe path.”
— Arnaud Desjardins, author of Jump Into Life: Moving Beyond Fear

Freedom Has No History
“Shattering so many of the ideas and beliefs that shape our lives, it renders us defenseless, our minds and hearts opened so wide that we cannot help but dare to peer into an unimaginable possibility: the possibility of truly awakening in this life. Freedom Has No History is a highly recommended contribution to all religion and Eastern Spirituality reading lists, personal and library collections.”
— The Midwest Book Review, June 1997

Enlightenment is a Secret
Enlightenment is a Secret has been lauded as one of the most original and powerful expressions of awakened understanding by a Western teacher in our time, and is treasured by countless seekers as a manual for personal liberation.
"...a passionate revelation from an awakened heart guiding and challenging the sincere seeker through the most noble journey that any human being can undertake."
— Many Hands, Fall 1992

Autobiography of an Awakening
“There is an openness to Andrew that makes him accessible and non-dogmatic. If any of you have experienced states of awakening, this book will reaffirm that experience. A direct and simple approach to truth may be what we all search for but soon forget. Our cynicism and negativity block our progress. Andrew encounters this time and time again, but persists in his own inner guidance. Here is the budding of an enlightened soul whose teachings bear close attention.”
— New Visions, Winter 1992

My Master is My Self
Regarded as an underground spiritual classic, My Master Is My Self chronicles the meeting between Andrew Cohen and his last teacher H.W.L. Poonja, and the events that unfolded in Andrew's life over the three years that followed.
An intimate, first-hand account of a profound awakening is rare. And it is even more rare when such an account is articulated in a way that conveys not just the experience itself, but the depth of understanding that arose from it. This is what marks My Master Is My Self as such an unusual work.